3 Employer Branding Opportunities You're Missing During the Recruiting Process

Judith Charbit
12 May 2024
3 min read

You might not realize it, but there are plenty of opportunities in our daily routines to maximize our employer brand's potential. One major opportunity lies in the recruitment process.

Recruitment is a golden chance to craft an authentic employer brand. However, many companies miss out on leveraging it effectively. By infusing authenticity into every step of recruitment, organizations can not only attract top talent but also build a strong employer brand that resonates with candidates and employees alike. Here are three EB opportunities hiding inside the recruitment process that every employer brand, talent acquisition, and recruitment marketing manager should pay attention to:

Job Postings:

The job posting phase is a critical moment for EB, as it's when the largest audience comes into contact with your brand. Instead of a traditional, text-heavy job description, consider using employee generated content (EGC) in the form of short videos. These videos, featuring the hiring manager or team members, can showcase the job, highlight the organization's culture, and convey authenticity. This personal touch can make your job postings stand out and attract more qualified candidates.

Candidate Communication:

Every email sent to candidates, whether to reject or accept them, is an opportunity to enhance your EB. Consider embedding videos in these emails to make the experience more personal and engaging. For accepted candidates, these videos can provide a glimpse into the company culture and create excitement about joining the organization. 

For rejected candidates, a well-crafted video can leave them with a positive impression, even if they weren't selected. This thoughtful approach can help candidates see your organization in a positive light, regardless of the outcome.

Internal Promotion:

Internal promotion of job postings is often overlooked as an EB opportunity. How you communicate job openings to your employees, such as through Slack messages or internal announcements, can impact your brand perception. By involving your employees in the recruitment process and making them feel like valued members of the team, you can strengthen your EB and create a positive work environment.

To wrap up, simplicity can often be the key to achieving the best employer brand. We don't always need to come up with extravagant ideas; it's about maximizing the potential of what we're already doing. This approach is not only cost-effective but also tends to yield the highest ROI.

Moreover, using the recruitment process to create employer branding offers an authentic view of the organization, which is particularly appealing to candidates overall, and especially to Gen Z candidates. This approach benefits everyone involved, making it a win-win strategy.

Judith Charbit
12 May 2024
3 min read