7 tips to take your Employer Branding Strategy to the top!

Judith Charbit
28 May 2024
3 min read

88% of job seekers consider a company's employer brand when applying for a job. This is why companies around the world are recognizing the importance of a strong employer brand in attracting top talent and keeping them engaged. Research shows that a strong employer brand can reduce staff turnover by 28% and cut hiring costs by up to 50%.

Don't get left behind in the employer branding race. Whether you're starting from scratch or improving an existing strategy, read on to learn more about the essentials of building a strong employer brand.

What is an Employer Branding Strategy?

An employer branding strategy is designed to enhance and positively influence how your brand is perceived by potential candidates. It improves talent attraction and retention by merging your company's values, policies, and ethical standards into a cohesive message. Think about the three key impressions people have when they hear your company’s name. Is this the image you want to project?

A robust employer branding strategy showcases everything your company offers to prospective employees, from salary and career progression opportunities to a sense of purpose and community. Given that the average employee spends around 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime, job seekers now consider factors beyond pay, looking for roles where they feel fulfilled and part of something meaningful.

Why Employer Branding Matters in 2024

In the post-pandemic world, workplace and job-seeking cultures have shifted dramatically, with most processes moving online and social media playing a significant role. A strong social media presence for employer branding is crucial for reaching a broad demographic of job seekers. For example, using Instagram stories to share images or videos about job vacancies can attract the interest of people not actively seeking new jobs.

Top talent understands that job applications are a two-way street. They know they’re offering their best to a company and expect the same in return. The Edelman Barometer 2021 study showed that 53% of people are more likely to trust those in similar roles. This remains true today, where positive employee testimonials can enrich the story your company tells the world.

Prospective employees often check platforms like Glassdoor to see what current and past employees say about a company. High staff turnover can be a red flag, while positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied employees can attract high-quality candidates. Remember, 55% of job hunters might discard their application after reading a negative review. A lack of presence can also be detrimental – if candidates can't find the information they need, they may look elsewhere. Including positive testimonies from current employees can significantly boost your company’s credibility.

Stay sharp on the nuance:

EVP (Employee Value Proposition) and Employer Brand are often confused, but they're different. Your EVP is what you offer employees, including benefits and company culture. It's the emotional connection between employer and employee. On the other hand, your Employer Brand is how you're perceived as an employer, based on opinions and perceptions. While you can control your EVP, your Employer Brand is mainly out of your control.

Your EVP forms the basis of your Employer Brand, influencing how candidates perceive your workplace. It's crucial for attracting and retaining talent, especially in remote work settings. By aligning your team with your EVP, you can improve your Employer Brand through advocacy and positive reviews.

Building a Best-in-Class Employer Branding Strategy

Appreciating the value of an employer branding strategy is just the beginning. Here are some tips to create an effective strategy:

  1. Identify What Makes Your Company Unique: Determine your company’s unique selling points and capitalize on them. Employer branding is all about individuality and making your company stand out in a competitive market.
  2. Set Goals and Measure Success: Create and achieve SMART targets – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals.
  3. Establish Brand Guidelines: Consistent branding makes your company easily recognizable and supports employee advocacy by empowering employees to create on-brand content.
  4. Address Current Recruitment Challenges: Identify and find long-term solutions to recruitment obstacles, from the speed of filling positions to finding qualified applicants.
  5. Define Your Employee Value Proposition (EVP): A solid EVP starts with a strong compensation and benefits package and includes career progression opportunities and well-being support. The best companies also provide their employees with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  6. Leverage Digital Marketing Channels: Utilize social media, professional networks like LinkedIn, and your company’s website to extend your employer brand. Share employer branding videos and content across all available channels.
  7. Gather Feedback from Current Employees: Use anonymous employee satisfaction surveys to gather insights. Encourage employees to share ideas for improving company culture and highlight what’s working well.

By implementing these strategies, you can develop a powerful employer branding strategy that attracts and retains top talent, setting your company apart in today’s competitive job market.

Judith Charbit
28 May 2024
3 min read