LinkedIn Is Testing a Video Feed

Judith Charbit
05 May 2024
4 min read

"In the coming years, video will be a key player in all aspects of employee recruitment.” Yotam Tzuker at August 2023.

These days, LinkedIn is testing a specialized video feed within the app. This new feature presents content in a full-screen, TikTok-style layout.

It seems like it's time for a final call to all organizations that are still stuck in 2015. If you haven't yet implemented employee-generated content and video-recruiting in your employer brand strategy, now's the time to jump on the train and not get left behind

So what should we expect?

LinkedIn is testing a new short-form video feature on its iOS mobile app. Users with access will see a new video tab in the app's navigation bar, replacing the “My Network tab”. The tab leads to a vertical, full-screen feed of short videos that users can scroll through. 

Also, users will be able to engage with the videos by liking, commenting, and sharing them, as well as viewing the full post caption by clicking 'See More.' (Read more about the feature Here)

Austin Null, Strategy Director at McKinney and creator, shared a screen recording of the feature*:

Ultimately, it's clear that a significant portion of the population will be Gen Z, the screen generation that primarily consumes content through video. This underscores the importance of video as the most powerful recruiting tool in today's landscape:

Why? Video enables to:

Showcasing Your Company's Vibe, by offering a window into the company's culture and workspace. Through employee interviews, team activities, and office tours, you can paint a vivid picture of the organization's vibe. This helps candidates gauge if they'd fit in and align with your values.

Making Job Descriptions Come Alive, by illustrating the day-to-day aspects of a role. By visually depicting responsibilities and opportunities, candidates can better grasp the role's essence and determine if it's a good match for them.

Expanding the Reach: Video content is highly shareable, making it a powerful tool for reaching a wider audience. With compelling recruitment videos, you can leverage social media and online platforms to attract passive job seekers and expand the organization talent pool.

Strengthening the Employer Brand by highlighting your company's unique culture and values. This sets you apart from competitors and positions you as an attractive employer. A strong employer brand not only attracts top talent but also improves the overall quality of candidates and streamlines the recruitment process.

So, how will you prepare for LinkedIn's new video tool?

  1. Prepare at least 20 videos using TeamMe's video ideas guide to create the most relevant content for your organization. 
  2. Ensure all videos are stored in TeamMe's smart dashboard so you can maximize the usage of each video on all platforms (social media, email, internal communications, etc.).
  3. Provide your employees with a quick guideline on how to use the LinkedIn video tool, or, ask us about TeamMe's workshop for employees.
  4. Make a festive announcement at a happy hour or any other all-hands session to ensure all your employees know how to use this feature and access the company's video pool in TeamMe.

Enjoy the road, we are all people persons!

*Screenshots source: Austin Null’s Post.

Judith Charbit
05 May 2024
4 min read