The Lonely Road of an Employer Brand Manager: Turning Solitary into Team Success

Judith Charbit
2 April 2024
4 min read

The role of an Employer Brand Manager is unique. While constantly interacting with various teams, departments, and individuals across the organization, the Employer Brand or Developer Relations (DevRel) professional often stands alone as the sole representative of the company's brand and culture. This inherent solitude can make the journey challenging and lonely, but there is a light at the end of the road; Use HR technology to transform it into an opportunity for collaboration and engagement.

The Isolation of the Employer Brand Manager

The Employer Brand function is responsible for shaping and communicating the organization's brand to the vast pool of candidates and talent. This role, whether titled as Employer Brand, Developer Relations, Recruitment marketing, or Talent Acquisition, works closely with HR, marketing, and senior leadership to develop strategies that attract and retain top talent.However, despite collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders, these roles are often solitary, with there typically being only one person in the organization with this specific role.

Navigating Challenges Alone

The loneliness of the Employer Brand Manager role can manifest in various ways. Whether facing complex challenges and decisions without a peer to turn to for advice or support. Additionally, the pressure to deliver results and meet expectations can feel overwhelming when you're the sole owner of the employer brand.

Turning Solitude into Collaboration

While the loneliness of the role is a reality, there are ways to transform it into an opportunity for collaboration and engagement. One powerful approach is to involve employees in the employer branding efforts. By engaging employees as advocates and ambassadors for the employer brand, you can create a more inclusive and impactful strategy.

Empowering Employees as Brand Ambassadors

One way to engage employees in the employer branding strategy is to feature them prominently in communications. Videos, in particular, can be a powerful tool for showcasing employee stories and experiences (Employee-generated content). By putting employees at the forefront of employer branding efforts, you not only humanize the brand but also create a sense of belonging and community among employees.

Creating a Culture of Inclusion

By involving employees in employer branding efforts, the EB manager not only alleviates the loneliness of the role but also creates a culture of inclusion and collaboration. Employees who are involved in shaping the employer brand, such as through video content marketing, are more likely to feel invested in the organization's success and motivated to contribute their best work.


While the role of an Employer Brand Manager can be lonely at times, it also presents an opportunity to engage employees in a meaningful way through video recruitment technology that enables employee advocacy.

Judith Charbit
2 April 2024
4 min read